Matichya Chuli 2006


IMDB Rating : 7.4

FD Smart Rating : 7.4

Synopsis : A jealous, possessive mother thinks she is competing with her new daughter-in-law for the affections of her overindulged son.

Regions Available ( 13 ) : show...
Australia , Canada , Czech Republic , Greece , Hungary , India , Lithuania , Portugal , Russia , Slovakia , South Africa , United Kingdom , United States


Marathi [Original]


English , Bulgarian


Comedy, Drama

Release Date:


Run Time:


Maturity Rating:

From the time her son was born till the time he becomes an adult, a mother nurtures him and looks after every small need of his. The son gets so used to the mother's care that he can't do without her even after he grows up to be a fine young man. One day, he gets married and his wife now takes place of his mother. A sense of insecurity develops within the mother and a question start troubling her. Will my daughter-in-law steal my son away from me? This thought plants the seed of dislike towards her daughter-in-law in her mind and soon, a full-fledged war breaks out between the mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law., leaving the hapless husbands caught in the cross fire.